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    Lance Greene

    I found another article. one of the primary factors behind the sex for hair growth theory involves hormone levels. hormones impact virtually every organ system and process in the body. hormones even impact hair growth and hair loss. research has revealed that there's a correlation between engaging in sex on a regular basis and a rise in certain hormone levels such as testosterone.

    I found this article, but I am not posting the whole article. marijuana smokers often report that when smoking frequently or at least 3 to 5 times a week that they notice their hair grows a lot faster than usual.

    physical or emotional stress may cause one half to three quarters of scalp hair to shed. this kind of hair loss is called telogn effluvium. hair tends to come out in handfuls while you shampoo, comb, or run your hands through your hair. Look up can stress cause hair loss on google.

    If you cut your own hair, similar to myself or thinking of cutting your own hair. It is very important, to have clean equipment . Also you should know you can mess up if this is your first time. Do not let that stop you, in time you should get better!. Very important to have a clean work area. Always try to be in a well lit room. An extra mirror is a must for those hard to see spots. Those are my tips for cutting your own hair. One more thing clean up when your done your area and your head! Good luck

    I like this site, please remember to post as many photos and videos that are hair related. Post tips on how to up keep hair and products to use that help maintain your hair.